
Members > European Movement Ireland

  • Last Updated: 7th December 2018
National Councils

European Movement Ireland

European Movement Ireland is an independent, not-for-profit, membership-based organisation working to develop the connection between Ireland and Europe.
Here at EM Ireland, we facilitate links between all sectors of Irish society and the EU by running a number of advocacy campaigns, education programmes, training courses, information briefings and networking events. We also produce clear and relevant reports and publications outlining key European issues and their impact on Ireland. From providing our corporate members with information and assistance on European funding channels and consultations, to offering our third-level members advice and guidance on career opportunities in the EU, we work to ensure transparency and engagement at all levels in Ireland’s relationship with Europe.

We work to ensure that European issues are discussed in Ireland in a reasoned, robust and fair manner. We aim to increase awareness and understanding of the issues affecting Irish citizens by providing factual information to individuals, public representatives, business and the media. Our goal is to provide an unbiased, independent voice on all elements of Ireland’s membership of, and relationship with, the EU.

At EM Ireland, we understand that in order to increase Irish engagement in Europe, Irish citizens must feel like they have the power to effect change. Communication between EU Institutions and EU citizens must be based on two-way dialogue and not simply top-down information provision. For this reason, at EM Ireland we use our unique position as a non-governmental organisation within the pan-European, European Movement International network to ensure that the concerns and opinions of our members are inputted at all levels of the EU system.

Fostering Irish engagement and participation in Europe is at the centre of EM Ireland’s goals. We work to ensure that, as Irish citizens and Europeans, we each take responsibility for the role we play in EU matters and for how we as a people, and as a country, engage with Europe.

  • Chairperson: Maurice Pratt
  • Executive Director: Noelle O’Connell
8 Lower Fitzwilliam Street

Dublin 2
Phone: + 353 1 662 58 15
Fax: + 353 1 662 58 17