European Parliament discusses transnational lists to strengthen European democracy
Today, the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament will discuss the division of European Parliament seats after the 2019 elections. The departure of the United Kingdom, which frees 73 seats, offers the opportunity for the creation of a so-called transnational list, which would involve a pan-European constituency that gives European citizens a direct vote.
The idea for a transnational list comes from the view that it will strengthen the European dimension of the European Parliament elections. Jo Leinen MEP, President of the European Movement International, is convinced of the merits of a European constituency: “Pan-European lists would be a game changer as they bring greater visibility to European parties and their programs. In addition, the lead candidates for the post of President of the Commission would be on the ballot in all Member States. European electoral lists therefore contribute to a more democratic European Union.”
The European Movement International strongly supports the introduction of a pan-European lists and has advocated for it repeatedly in the context of its work on European elections. Together with a stronger presence of European Political Parties, the list could strengthen the direct link between European parties and the European public. Therefore, the European Movement International welcomes that the French President and Italian government have now come out in support of transnational lists, an idea that the European Movement has been advocating for years.
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